Eat My Carrot

Global Game Jam 2018, Pittsburgh

Project Info

Project Duration 48 hours
Team Size 4 (1.5 programmers, 2 artists, 0.5 sound designer)
Theme Transmission
Platform PC with XBOX One Controllers
Team members Yvette Han, Yu Li, Fangda Luo, Yidi Zhu
My Contributions Gameplay programming, game design and playtesting
Related links

Github repository

Game download

Notable Experience

  1. Completed a full game production cycle within 48 hours
  2. Experimented with XBOX Controller input in Unity
  3. Implemented dyanmic, exciting, "juicy" gameplay

Gameplay video


A 2-player competitive game, where they receive carrots and poops as ammo, and shoot them at bunnies.

Unique Control: rotate joystick to rotate wheel chamber!
